Starbucks Lost It

Not the case itself.
Starbucks has this case against DoubleShot Coffee Company, which is being blogged and podcasted. So far, Starbucks has threatened DoubleShot with a lawsuit. So nobody has won or lost any court case. At least, not yet. But Starbucks lost the very thing that made it successful: café culture. Not that Starbucks was so good. But it has now officially jumped the shark. Threatening to sue a small coffee shop and roaster because their licensed name has something to do (vaguely) with the name of a prepackaged drink sold by Starbucks? What does it have to do with Starbucks the chain of cafés?

Of course, not all Starbucks locations are actual cafés. Malls, colleges, even gift shops selling Starbucks. But some people probably have the idea that Starbucks still stands for something.

Ah, well…

Author: enkerli

French-speaking ethnographer, homeroaster, anthropologist, musician, coffee enthusiast.

2 thoughts on “Starbucks Lost It”

  1. My prediction is that Starbucks loses on all fronts especially the PR game in Tulsa.

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